Pulse Survey Data Confidentiality
You are being invited to take part in a research study Skilled Managers which is funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council. The project is led by the University of Westminster and University of Sheffield, in partnership with the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas). The research team has obtained the required ethics approval to carry out this study and this note provides details of how the data will be used:
What information will we be gathering?
We will be gathering and analysing the responses you provide to the Pulse questionnaire. We are not asking for any personal information and your responses do not identify you as an individual. We will ensure that any published findings are not disclosive of your identity. The anonymised data will be archived for reuse by UK researchers investigating the links between management capability and staff engagement, via deposit in a recognised repository managed by the UK Data Service.
Data confidentiality
All data will be collected in confidence and stored securely. Your individual data will not be provided to your employer and any feedback to participating organisations will ensure your identity is protected. The four-digit number we are asking you to create, simply allows the research team to analyse how individual responses to the survey change over time.
- Your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary.
- You have the right to withdraw at any time without giving a reason.
- You have the right to ask for your data to be withdrawn, as long as this is practical.
- Your responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential. We are not asking for any personal information and your responses do not identify you as an individual. We will ensure that any published findings are not disclosive of your identity. The four-digit number we are asking you to create, simply allows the research team to analyse how individual responses to the survey change over time. The anonymised data will be archived for reuse by UK researchers investigating the links between management capability and staff engagement, via deposit in a recognised repository managed by the UK Data Service.
- Our use of the data, and any sharing of the data with other researchers, will comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation.
Do I have to take part?
Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you do not have to answer the Pulse Survey. If you wish to withdraw your data after answering the Pulse Survey; if you want to file a complaint; or have any other issues you would like to bring to our attention, contact us on the email address below. If you have any concerns about your experience of taking part in the research, you can contact the research team by emailing skilledmanagers@westminster.ac.uk